Acupotomy is a relatively new type of non-invasive acupuncture/ micro surgery using a small needle-scalpel invented by Professor Zhu Hanzhang around 30 years ago in China. It is a slightly thicker and more blunt instrument that gets under the skin and is able to break apart adhesions and muscle knots more effectively than a regular acupuncture needle would...
中醫藥學的發展已有兩千多年曆史, 其具有獨特的理論體系和卓越的臨床療效,是中華民族優秀傳統文化中的瑰寶。不僅為中華民族的繁衍昌盛做出傑出貢獻,還受到世界上 越來越多國家民眾和政府的歡迎,為人類健康水平的提高發揮了重要作用。世界衛生組織(WHO)相當重視中醫藥學的發展,尤其強調中 醫藥學在世界各地初級衛生保健中的廣泛運用。
We are very gratified by the fact that acupuncture can solve severe pelvic girdle pain. Acupuncture is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that originated more than 3000 years ago. It involves the insertion of hair-thin needles into acupoints, which are invariably regarded as an obscure concept...
We searched six computerised databases. Randomized controlled trials incorporating acupotomy therapy alone or combined with other conventional treatments for chronic nonspecific neck pain were included. Two reviewers screened each literature and extracted data independently according to Cochrane Reviews' Handbook (5.1). The Cochrane Collaboration's RevMan 5.3 software was applied for meta-analysis...